Monday, April 30, 2012

Mad Men "At the Codfish Ball"

Or "Third floor; dishes, glassware, napalm." Because "Perils of Pauline" was too easy.

We haven't seen Glen in a while. That's okay with me because I always thought that he was a bit weird. I'm glad that Sally has a friend though. We can use all of them that we can get. She talks about feeling like Pauline's slave. It seems like some people have children exactly because slavery is illegal.

When Pauline tripped did anyone else think about Aunt Bunny?

We finally got to meet Megan's parents Emile and Marie. Nice couple. Nice couple of what I'm not so sure.

Don bought cognac. I wonder if it was Courvoisier. He is a ladies man after all.

Joan and Peggy are becoming the new Laverne and Shirley. I smell spinoff!

There has been a lot of stuff this year about parents. In this episode it was about parents disapproving of their children's actions: Abe and Peggy shacking up. Sally wearing makeup and gogo boots. Megan giving up on her dreams.

Sally lied about Pauline's fall and Don lied about what his kids had for dinner. Everybody lies. Wait, that's House.

Megan made a great save when she whispered in Don's ear, "Roll that beautiful bean footage." Or something like that.

Afterwards I thought we were going to see "Don's Magic Cab Ride 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf." You thought I was going to say, "Electric Boogaloo" didn't you? Hah!

Roger was extra creepy. A date with Sally. Seriously.

Pete made a guest appearance. After the chip and dip/rifle exchange this was my favorite Pete moment. Well, one where I actually approved of what he did.


Not really. As Johnny Rotten famously said, "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?" That was it? Seriously?! That was a bit like on Sons of Anarchy when they say, "This episode contains nudity," and it turns out to be Charlie Hunnam's ass. Again. Not that there is anything wrong with Charlie Hunnam's ass. It's a perfectly good ass. Dare I say great?

Ken's dad dropped a bomb on Don. I guess it's true about no one trusting him. Is he going to have to pull another stunt to win their trust back?

As it turns out I was wrong. The codfish ball was nothing like the ladybugs picnic.

Ever get the feeling that we watch Mad Men just for "On the next episode of AMC's Mad Men"?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Mad Men "Far Away Places"

Or "The Electric Orange Sherbet Acid Test." I'm going to admit it up front--I got nothing. Well, not much anyway. I've never been to a Howard Johnson's and even more shockingly I've never dropped acid. Glad I got that off my chest.

We pretty much knew where this was going when Peggy's boyfriend said, "I'm your boyfriend, not a focus group." She goes to the movies and watches Born Free. Yet another bit of symbolism or some other term from a film class I didn't take.

While in the theater she meets a guy and they share a joint. In more ways than one. This was Peggy's version of  "Don's Magic Cab Ride" except that it was more magic for the guy than for Peggy. As far as we know that is. There is only so much you can get away with on basic cable.

The conversation with Ginsberg was totally trippy. I think that was the point. We were supposed to think that she was high. I kind of wish I was. Either it would make me more creative or it would be an excuse. It would probably just make me even more paranoid.

Then there was Roger and Jane tripping balls. You just know that if he makes it to the 1970s he's going to end up at a key party. We don't really know if that was Timothy Leary or if It was Roger just being a wiseass. Again. He's like Mad Men's version of Sawyer sometimes.

It wouldn't surprise me if it was Leary. If you go to he biography section to my right it is fill with books written by people who were nobodies then they got a shitload of drugs and all of a sudden they were hanging out with famous people. Or at the very least infamous.

They make it seem so easy; nobody+drugs=famous friends, parties, and sex. All you want. I actually thought about trying it one time as an experiment. I was going to hire someone to be handler/procurer because I just knew that the first time I tried to buy drugs I would end up in jail and it would all be over before it even started.

I was going to try everything but heroin and meth, but then again we all say that. That was part of the point of the handler. He or she would also be a spirit guide if I took LSD and/or a dance partner if I wound up at a rave. Or a fancy dress ball. I don't always have to lead.

Timothy Leary said, "Tune in, turn on, drop out." Denis Leary said, "I'd like to talk to complete idiots about nothing for fifteen hours straight." Dawson Leery said, "Whatever happens, happens." Okay, actually the Denis Leary quote was about cocaine but the sentiment is still a valid one.

Roger took one hell of a trip and at the end he lost his wife. Oh my God! Country song!

It also seems that the honeymoon is over for Don and Megan, or as Bert called it, "Love leave." I really was never all that crazy about orange sherbet myself but I did like Push Ups. Go figure.

As we learned in Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist the Beatles had it all figured out; "I Want to Hold Your Hand." That is all we really want.

Have you ever wanted to leave you significant other stranded in a parking lot? We all have at some point. Some of us actually did it. Not me, but I did think about it more than once.

I know how Don feels--I've been given the "do over" more than once in school. I hate the Red Pen of Disgust.

Now that Roger is back on the market no one is safe. Watch out Joanie. "It's going to be a beautiful day."

Friday, April 20, 2012

Random Micro-Fiction: Daydrinking

I'm drinking too much again. Actually, I should say too often. I don't do it to get drunk, I just like a little buzz. Everyone has to have a hobby , right?

I don't like drinking at home alone because nothing good ever comes of it. When I go out it's usually to places I don't go to very often. It's not that I don't want anyone to know, I just want to be left alone.

The theme of Cheers was "Where everybody knows your name," but I like to be anonymous sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I like being a regular. Sometimes. After all, membership has it's privileges.

One problem with going to an uncrowded bar in the afternoon is that you  often find yourself talking to the bartender or some waitress working her way through college. I don't want to be rude, I want to be alone.

Sometimes I go to a crowded bar and lose myself in the crowd. Sure it's loud but I think of it as one of those white noise machines people use to go to sleep.

There are only so many places to drink within walking distance of my building so I end up being a semi-regular by default. I have to figure out the staff schedule so I don't run into the same people too often. I may not want any of them to know who I am but I don't want them to think that I am a sad bastard even though I am getting there one draft beer at a time.

Then there's Starbucks. I know it's only coffee but I can go there and be anonymous and alone and in a crowd all at once. As soon as you get your beverage they just leave you alone and that's kind of the point really.

The used to be one about two blocks away but it closed. Who ever heard of an unsuccessful Starbucks? Fortunately there's another one three blocks down the road. The exercise does me good. It's in a Barnes and Noble which is also good.

Sometimes I'll go there and after getting my coffee I'll go into the men's room pour some Jim Beam from a flask into it. I usually do this with decaf because no one likes a hyperactive drunk. Then I'll buy a magazine or newspaper and sit outside. Drinking outside is fun. It makes me feel like I'm in Europe or somewhere. Anywhere but here.

The best is at Christmastime when they have the eggnog lattes. Very tasty. I shouldn't say that or encourage this kind of thing. In fact I don't recommend it at all. I'm just stating facts.

I really don't like drinking liquor but you can't mix coffee and beer can you? I think someone made a coffee flavored beer once but that went over like Crystal Pepsi but without all the fanfare. Or humiliation. Crystal Meth Pepsi on the other hand . . .

The real trick is getting back home. Did I mention that I have to cross Peachtree Road to get here? No? Great, now I'm forgetting stuff.

Anyway, after the journey back I lie down on the couch and turn the TV on. Usually Telemundo or Univision because I don't speak Spanish and and that way I won't be distracted by anything anyone says and I can just ignore it. Then when I open my eyes, if I'm lucky, in more ways than one, there will be some pretty woman on TV reading out the soccer scores. And that's what life's all about anyway.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Mad Men "Signal 30"

Or "They think it's all over . . . It is now."

As my reader pointed out I struggled a bit last week. This week there is too much going on. I'm not prone to hyperbole, so I won't call it the best episode ever, however it is way up there. 

Pete is taking Driver's Ed. I remember that. You're supposed to give horse and buggys the right of way, correct? It's not that I am old it's that the films we had were. I think they were by DW Griffith. Actually, I do remember one that showed cars hitting pumpkins. I think Gallagher was driving.

I absolutely hate those faucets with the handle instead of two knobs. I can never get the temperature right. I think it was invented by the same idiot that came up with "three on the tree." I couldn't work those either.

Ahh... Now to my favorite part, the 1966 World Cup. If you know nothing about football this is the defining moment in English sporting history. Notice that I didn't say "British" because they are two very different things. In fact the English still talk about it to this day. I know about this from first hand experience because I spent the last three World Cups in pubs full of loud Englishmen and women. I didn't know if I was going to make it out alive after the 2010 match between England and the USA. But that is another story for another time and besides, my reader already knows it. However, one question remains from 1966; Did Geoff Hurst really score? If I'm not here next week you know why.

Saturday night in the suburbs with the Campbells is not exactly my idea of fun. I guess it doesn't matter if you are from the city or the country the suburbs still suck.

"Time is speeding up." Really? Wait until you get to the DMV.

I remember cabinet stereos. No wood paneled 70s living room was complete without one.

Don's gone plaid. I hope this show ends before we get to the 70s or he'll look like Herb Tarlek.

Another favorite pastime of the British is talking about the war. It doesn't matter how old they are, if you give them a bit of alcohol the war will come up at some point.

Pete's gun came up again. When he exchanged the chip and dip for it in season one that was the only time I ever liked him. I would've done it too.

So it seems that Megan is turned on by plumbers. Josephine never did it for me. I am a pretty good plumber myself. I'm just saying. My uncle taught me everythig you need to know: Hot's on the left. Crap don't run uphill. Payday is Friday. If Pete had only bought a faucet with two knobs he wouldn't have had that problem. He always brings it on himself.

He got blocked by a guy that was called "Handsome." That was a bit over the top but very funny.

Bibs are not a good look but at least is covers up the plaid jacket.

"You're my king"? Seriously? That is Pete's Viagra? Boy he really is messed up. Then in the cab he has the nerve to get all high and mighty with Don. I guess Pete's point is that if you look like Don you should use it to get whomever you want. Don's response was interesting. It seems that he really does like Megan, and may I go as far as to say that he respects her.

If he ever wants to get out of advertising Don could start his own interior decorating firm for brothels.

Then Pete drops dime on Ken. What did he ever do to you?

It may have gotten lost in all the melee but did anyone else catch Bert's comment about never ending a war before an election?

However Pete got his comeupence when he got his arse handed to him by Lane. He may be a middle class Englishman but he is also a football fan and even I know better than to try and fight him. I'm sure that it's just a coincidence that an Englishman beat up a guy with a Scottish surname. I have one too and that is why I leave the English alone especially after they have actually won something. Plus the fact that I am an American so they have two reasons to dislike me.

The funny thing is that Lane should've been fighting Roger but his surname is Sterling and the English got their arses handed to them at Stirling Bridge. If you ever saw Braveheart you may think you know what I am talking about but the actual battle took place on the bloody bridge! Not beside it or in the general vicinity, on the bridge. History lesson over.

I guess the less said about, "chewing gum on the pubis" the better, except to say that it may be quote of the year. Next time--peanut M&Ms.

Lane then tried to extend the British Empire a bit too far by kissing Joan. Cannnot blame him there.

After all that Pete says, "Can't we all be friends?" The guy really does not get it. After all, Pete has screwed over, or at least tried to, most everyone in the company at some point.

At this point I really should follow the wise words of Ken Cosgrove, or Ben Hargrove, or Dave Algonquin or whoever he is and leave the writing to the writers.

In memory of Kenneth Wolstenholme

Friday, April 13, 2012

Random Thoughts about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

What is Axl Rose up to this time? I read his letter and it seems like once again he is being a bit selfish. It's not about you, it's about the fans. Then again why should he start thinking about the fans now?

I guess what he is saying is that Guns N' Roses is the band we have now and not the one(s) we remember from the 80s. What constitutes a band anyway? In the case of Van Halen it's having a least one guy named Van Halen. I remember their induction and all we got were Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony, two guys who either quit or were fired depending on whom you believe. In the Roth/Hagar debates I always stated that I didn't care that much as long as Eddie was in the band. Each singer had their strengths and weaknesses and I don't want to rehash them. Then there is the Gary Cherone era.

The induction ceremonies are often something to look forward to for all the wrong reasons. Admit it, we want to see a fight or at least a very uncomfortable moment. It seems like the only thing some bands can agree on is that they hate each other. Or in some cases everyone hates one person who usually the lead singer. I'm not going to mention any names. *cough* Talking Heads *cough*

The other day I saw a commercial for a Temptations concert. I am absolutely sure I am not in 1965. I think. I have no idea which of the various versions of the group it is but some would argue that the Temptations are David Ruffan, Eddie Kendrick, and erm . . . You get the point. As far as I know Otis Williams is the only original member still in the group. By the time I finish this who knows?

Much like the Temptations, Lynyrd Skynyrd are still touring. At least when I saw them in the 1990s there were still some original members. Last I heard the drummer from Damn Yankees was in the band. You can't make this stuff up.
Can we still call GN'R "GN'R"? There still is a Rose in the band but no Guns and he hasn't been with the band in decades. In fact the last time I saw LA Guns it was St Patrick's Day 2009 at Fado Irish Pub in Atlanta (you tell me) and it was the Phil Lewis version. Yes, there are competing versions. Can't we all get along?

That is the problem with bands that change members which one is the definitive one? I was born in 1968 so I don't remember Brian Jones being in the Rolling Stones but a lot of people who do say that Brian was the Stones.

Bon Scott was the lead singer of AC/DC in my youth but after he died Brian Johnson took over and he did the the nearly impossible-- he didn't suck. Some other bands such as Bad Company changed lead singers and they really were never the same.

The Doobie Brothers and Chicago got new singers and a ton of new fans. Whether it was for the best I have no idea but Time/Life sells a lot of compilation CDs so at least someone is making money.

So, in conclusion, Axl please pull your head out and take one for the team.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mad Men "Mystery Date"

Or "Wes Craven's Mad Men." That was messed up. Honestly I did not think that Don killed Andrea. It's not that kind of show. If Twitter didn't explode it burped at the very least.

Sally really is going to end up with an eating disorder. I really shouldn't say that. It was kind of mean but it is the national pastime; making fun of  Sally. Some say that she is going to wind dead of a cocaine overdose in the ladies room of  Studio 51. Who knows? I just hope she gets sorted.

I've said it before and I will say it again-- Pauline is a real piece of work. What's even sadder is that I know people like her. Who doesn't? If you don't then look in the mirror because it's you. Your parents tell you not to take drugs but what do they do? They give you drugs. They say that it's just a prescription so it cannot harm you. Been there, done that.
What was all this business about the killer hating his mother? Maybe he does, maybe not. Who is she to play armchair psychologist? He said ironically.

Is it just me or does Ginsberg remind you a bit of Scott Baio? Maybe I'm just projecting again. He really is crap with women if he is like that all the time. A woman could offer him sex and he could talk her into handshake.

I had forgotten that Joan plays the accordion. How could I forget something like that? She thought that she was going to marry a doctor but boy was she wrong.

So basically Greg is going off to his death if you believe the rumors. I never liked him anyway.  

I still like the new Peggy. I just hope that nothing happens. I wonder if she is going to hook up with Ginsberg?

This is a lot harder than it looks kids. Don't try it at home. I don't.

I'm going home and taking a Seconal.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Bicycle Diaries

I saw a dude wearing a Panama Jack shirt today. I didn't know my bike would do eighty-eight miles per hour.

I saw that guy yesterday. The guy I don't want to be. He was at Borders and he was wearing Livestrong shoes, shorts, sleeveless shirt, band, and an Astana cap. Close enough. He was also carrying a copy of the new book about Lance.

I'm still trying to watch the Tour. I say trying because the random local commercials are trying my patience, and no I'm not trying your product. It reached a whole new level of insanity today. They cut to commercial just as Thomas Voeckler was about to cross the finish line. ARRGH!!! It was the first breakaway win of the Tour. At least it wasn't a bunch sprint, so it could've been worse. Had it been Armstrong there would've a mass exodus to DirecTV.

I bought a new helmet the other day. Those are always good days. I'm easy to please. The real trick is to get the straps situated. I'm not anal or OCD about those sorts of things. That's a good thing because I'd never be able to wear it.
It seems that the more expensive the helmet the more ways there are to adjust it and therefore more ways to get it wrong. It's kind of like a race car that way. You have to keep track of everything that you have done so that you know what to do when you screw it all up. It's like using your GPS to backtrack when you end up 400 miles off course and you were only going to the mall.
Then when you think you have it you go out for a test spin and it feels all wrong. That's because all your adjustments were made sitting on your couch. It may look good in the mirror but feels different when you are on the road. At the end of the day I just try to get it the best I can because I can't go back to the store for a new head.

Mad Men "Tea Leaves"

Or the alternate title; "Don and Harry go to White Castle." I don't know how Harry ate twenty of those things. My record is fourteen but is was in high school at the time. Actually they were Krystals and no I don't want to have that debate. I like White Castle as well

Now we know what Betty has been doing for the last seventeen months-- hitting the Bugles and ice cream. Do they still make Bugles? I haven't seen them in fifteen years.

For a while there I thought that I wasn't going to get to make fun of her what with her thyroid and all. That was my excuse in high school but we all know the real reason don't we. If you have already forgotten then you must have been smoking some of whatever it was Harry was smoking. In fact I looked a lot like Betty in high school except that I'm a brunette and my boobs were bigger.

When Betty was in the tub I couldn't help but think about season one and the washing machine. Am I wrong?

For some reason I want to make a joke about Tyler Perry's Madea Gets a Job  but I'm not going to.

Jack likes Jack. By Roger's logic I should like Jim Beam. I do, but I think that it's a coincidence.

When Roger was saying that both he and Ginsberg wanted to throw something out the window did he mean Pete? Those two do not play well together.

Henry's mother Pauline should get together with Joan's mother Gail. There is a lot going on about parents this season. Aging too. We do it every day. Sorry. That was kind of a dad joke.

Don is a good parent despite only knowing what not to do. Every parent says, "We're going to be the cool parents!" I call B.S. Don't you think that Mr and Mrs Hitler said the same thing? As soon as the baby arrives you revert back to instinct, the first one being,"We must protect the child." And some people thought that I would never be able to work in a Doctor Who reference. Silly people.