Friday, July 27, 2012

You had to be there

Everyone has a story. I hope so anyway. If you don't then you are seriously doing something wrong. In fact you may be doing nothing at all. Get out there and do something! I'll wait.

I have a couple of stories. Sort of. My friend has a few that he likes to tell. You know when someone refers to a novel as "unfilmable" and yet they make a movie anyway? Sometimes it works, sometime it doesn't. Well, this story is untellable. You really had to be there. There is a visual quality to the story that can't be put in words.

I could, but I won't.

Then there is the other story my friend likes to tell. The truth is that it's not really a story at all. It's a sentence, A short one. If I told you the sentence you would say, "That's it?! That's the story?!" I would shrug and say, "Yep."

The thing is that it really is a common occurrence. Or at least I thought it was. My friend recently moved halfway across the country and he told the sentence to some of his coworkers who did not believe him. Seriously. I was shocked. Shocked!

I was like if this hasn't happened to you at least once in your life then you really aren't trying. I guess Midwestern life is even more boring that I had thought.

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