Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Bicycle Diaries

I actually lost another pound. Yay me! You can't tell really. I still haven't noticed the other five I have lost this year. I am able to wear some of my old clothes, so that's something I guess.

I really enjoy riding my bike. However, I do wish that I had a real one. Lugging my fat ass around on that old, heavy thing is hard work but it has it's benefits. The pound I lost being the only that I can think of.

With a lighter bike I could travel further. Not that I have anywhere to go. Way too many hills. Not enough energy.

It's been a nice day today. I finally went for a ride. I took the short route and I'm glad I did. It's not that I'm out of shape because round is a shape. I just haven't used those muscles that way in a while.

I had forgotten how much I miss it. I wasn't gone for long but it was nice. It's good to occasionally think about nothing but what you are doing. I don't get to do much so I enjoy it while I can. It's very peaceful. Except for the yappy dogs. I can't stand them.

I tried, unintentionally, to kill myself today. I rode my bike to the store and back. Getting there wasn't so bad. That surprised me a bit. Coming back was a pain but I knew that it wasn't going to be easy. It's a lot more uphill than one might think. One of the problems was that the temperature was about 50 degrees.

When I got back home I was struggling for breath. My muscles weren't sore but they probably will be tomorrow. Still, I did it in about twenty minutes and that's not bad considering I had to stand in line for a bit. That and I had to stop on the way back to catch my breath and drink some Vault. Red Blitz is pretty tasty, plus its only ninety-nine cents. What a bargain!

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