Monday, May 7, 2012

Mad Men "Lazarus Lady"

Or "It's a dessert topping. It's a floor wax."

Pete and Harold--strangers on a train. Except that they're really not strangers. But they are on a train. For a minute there I thought that it was going to get all  Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice  but Trudy would never go for that. Why is my go to always wife swapping and key parties? I grew up in the 1970s. It's not an excuse, just an explanation.

Pete got skis. Why do I derive so much pleasure from watching Pete carry objects? Maybe it's the prideful look he always has when he gets something new. "There, I got to see that."

Was Harry's line about making a new Beatles a shot at the Monkees? Shame on him.

I wonder if Danny's Hideaway is anything like Johnny's Hideaway. Or should I say "Johnny's Takeaway"? I don't know if it's still around or not. It was a cougar bar before anyone invented the term "cougar."

For a d-bag Pete gets a lot of women. Maybe guys should stop trying to be like Don and be more like Pete.

Megan wants to be an actress. At least she doesn't want to be a lumberjack. She is Canadian after all.

Peggy is right about Megan being good at copy writing. We don't know if she is any good at acting. I'm sure we'll find out. She'll probably suck. Then Don will try to talk her into coming back to SCDP and she'll be upset and cry and I don't want that.

Stan--I can never remember his name.

Megan got the elevator. Don got the shaft. You gotta love visual symbolism. Maybe Megan is going somewhere after all.

Peggy was also right about a lot of people wanting Megan's job. I wouldn't mind having it, I just don't want to work with any of those people on The Pitch. They're annoying as hell and I've only see the commercials. They're too hyped up and not in a good way like Ginsberg. Did he get into the Mountain Dew and vodka or what? I like him more each week.

Now I guess we know why Don and Peggy never hooked up. It was kind of funny watching them argue.

Don listening to the Beatles was so wrong. It's like your mom on Facebook. There is a real generational divide between him and Megan. He's not even an Elvis man. He seems like one of those rare people who aren't into music at all.

What would he have heard growing up? He's a year younger than my mom, which is scary. She listened to Hank Williams, the Carter Family and a lot of Bluegrass. In fact I inherited my love of Johnny Cash from her. I guess my mom is pretty cool after all.

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