Monday, April 16, 2012

Mad Men "Signal 30"

Or "They think it's all over . . . It is now."

As my reader pointed out I struggled a bit last week. This week there is too much going on. I'm not prone to hyperbole, so I won't call it the best episode ever, however it is way up there. 

Pete is taking Driver's Ed. I remember that. You're supposed to give horse and buggys the right of way, correct? It's not that I am old it's that the films we had were. I think they were by DW Griffith. Actually, I do remember one that showed cars hitting pumpkins. I think Gallagher was driving.

I absolutely hate those faucets with the handle instead of two knobs. I can never get the temperature right. I think it was invented by the same idiot that came up with "three on the tree." I couldn't work those either.

Ahh... Now to my favorite part, the 1966 World Cup. If you know nothing about football this is the defining moment in English sporting history. Notice that I didn't say "British" because they are two very different things. In fact the English still talk about it to this day. I know about this from first hand experience because I spent the last three World Cups in pubs full of loud Englishmen and women. I didn't know if I was going to make it out alive after the 2010 match between England and the USA. But that is another story for another time and besides, my reader already knows it. However, one question remains from 1966; Did Geoff Hurst really score? If I'm not here next week you know why.

Saturday night in the suburbs with the Campbells is not exactly my idea of fun. I guess it doesn't matter if you are from the city or the country the suburbs still suck.

"Time is speeding up." Really? Wait until you get to the DMV.

I remember cabinet stereos. No wood paneled 70s living room was complete without one.

Don's gone plaid. I hope this show ends before we get to the 70s or he'll look like Herb Tarlek.

Another favorite pastime of the British is talking about the war. It doesn't matter how old they are, if you give them a bit of alcohol the war will come up at some point.

Pete's gun came up again. When he exchanged the chip and dip for it in season one that was the only time I ever liked him. I would've done it too.

So it seems that Megan is turned on by plumbers. Josephine never did it for me. I am a pretty good plumber myself. I'm just saying. My uncle taught me everythig you need to know: Hot's on the left. Crap don't run uphill. Payday is Friday. If Pete had only bought a faucet with two knobs he wouldn't have had that problem. He always brings it on himself.

He got blocked by a guy that was called "Handsome." That was a bit over the top but very funny.

Bibs are not a good look but at least is covers up the plaid jacket.

"You're my king"? Seriously? That is Pete's Viagra? Boy he really is messed up. Then in the cab he has the nerve to get all high and mighty with Don. I guess Pete's point is that if you look like Don you should use it to get whomever you want. Don's response was interesting. It seems that he really does like Megan, and may I go as far as to say that he respects her.

If he ever wants to get out of advertising Don could start his own interior decorating firm for brothels.

Then Pete drops dime on Ken. What did he ever do to you?

It may have gotten lost in all the melee but did anyone else catch Bert's comment about never ending a war before an election?

However Pete got his comeupence when he got his arse handed to him by Lane. He may be a middle class Englishman but he is also a football fan and even I know better than to try and fight him. I'm sure that it's just a coincidence that an Englishman beat up a guy with a Scottish surname. I have one too and that is why I leave the English alone especially after they have actually won something. Plus the fact that I am an American so they have two reasons to dislike me.

The funny thing is that Lane should've been fighting Roger but his surname is Sterling and the English got their arses handed to them at Stirling Bridge. If you ever saw Braveheart you may think you know what I am talking about but the actual battle took place on the bloody bridge! Not beside it or in the general vicinity, on the bridge. History lesson over.

I guess the less said about, "chewing gum on the pubis" the better, except to say that it may be quote of the year. Next time--peanut M&Ms.

Lane then tried to extend the British Empire a bit too far by kissing Joan. Cannnot blame him there.

After all that Pete says, "Can't we all be friends?" The guy really does not get it. After all, Pete has screwed over, or at least tried to, most everyone in the company at some point.

At this point I really should follow the wise words of Ken Cosgrove, or Ben Hargrove, or Dave Algonquin or whoever he is and leave the writing to the writers.

In memory of Kenneth Wolstenholme

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