Monday, April 2, 2012

Mad Men "Tea Leaves"

Or the alternate title; "Don and Harry go to White Castle." I don't know how Harry ate twenty of those things. My record is fourteen but is was in high school at the time. Actually they were Krystals and no I don't want to have that debate. I like White Castle as well

Now we know what Betty has been doing for the last seventeen months-- hitting the Bugles and ice cream. Do they still make Bugles? I haven't seen them in fifteen years.

For a while there I thought that I wasn't going to get to make fun of her what with her thyroid and all. That was my excuse in high school but we all know the real reason don't we. If you have already forgotten then you must have been smoking some of whatever it was Harry was smoking. In fact I looked a lot like Betty in high school except that I'm a brunette and my boobs were bigger.

When Betty was in the tub I couldn't help but think about season one and the washing machine. Am I wrong?

For some reason I want to make a joke about Tyler Perry's Madea Gets a Job  but I'm not going to.

Jack likes Jack. By Roger's logic I should like Jim Beam. I do, but I think that it's a coincidence.

When Roger was saying that both he and Ginsberg wanted to throw something out the window did he mean Pete? Those two do not play well together.

Henry's mother Pauline should get together with Joan's mother Gail. There is a lot going on about parents this season. Aging too. We do it every day. Sorry. That was kind of a dad joke.

Don is a good parent despite only knowing what not to do. Every parent says, "We're going to be the cool parents!" I call B.S. Don't you think that Mr and Mrs Hitler said the same thing? As soon as the baby arrives you revert back to instinct, the first one being,"We must protect the child." And some people thought that I would never be able to work in a Doctor Who reference. Silly people.

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