Monday, April 30, 2012

Mad Men "At the Codfish Ball"

Or "Third floor; dishes, glassware, napalm." Because "Perils of Pauline" was too easy.

We haven't seen Glen in a while. That's okay with me because I always thought that he was a bit weird. I'm glad that Sally has a friend though. We can use all of them that we can get. She talks about feeling like Pauline's slave. It seems like some people have children exactly because slavery is illegal.

When Pauline tripped did anyone else think about Aunt Bunny?

We finally got to meet Megan's parents Emile and Marie. Nice couple. Nice couple of what I'm not so sure.

Don bought cognac. I wonder if it was Courvoisier. He is a ladies man after all.

Joan and Peggy are becoming the new Laverne and Shirley. I smell spinoff!

There has been a lot of stuff this year about parents. In this episode it was about parents disapproving of their children's actions: Abe and Peggy shacking up. Sally wearing makeup and gogo boots. Megan giving up on her dreams.

Sally lied about Pauline's fall and Don lied about what his kids had for dinner. Everybody lies. Wait, that's House.

Megan made a great save when she whispered in Don's ear, "Roll that beautiful bean footage." Or something like that.

Afterwards I thought we were going to see "Don's Magic Cab Ride 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf." You thought I was going to say, "Electric Boogaloo" didn't you? Hah!

Roger was extra creepy. A date with Sally. Seriously.

Pete made a guest appearance. After the chip and dip/rifle exchange this was my favorite Pete moment. Well, one where I actually approved of what he did.


Not really. As Johnny Rotten famously said, "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?" That was it? Seriously?! That was a bit like on Sons of Anarchy when they say, "This episode contains nudity," and it turns out to be Charlie Hunnam's ass. Again. Not that there is anything wrong with Charlie Hunnam's ass. It's a perfectly good ass. Dare I say great?

Ken's dad dropped a bomb on Don. I guess it's true about no one trusting him. Is he going to have to pull another stunt to win their trust back?

As it turns out I was wrong. The codfish ball was nothing like the ladybugs picnic.

Ever get the feeling that we watch Mad Men just for "On the next episode of AMC's Mad Men"?

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